For more detailed information about our product, please contact us.

What is

HDI Mobile Phone Insurance

It is our insurance product that secures your device against breaks and damage that may occur in your mobile phones.

What is Covered by Mobile Phone Insurance?

We prepared the Mobile Phone Insurance product with two different benefit options: Mini Mobile Insurance and Standard Coverage Mobile Insurance. You can choose the product package that suits your needs and protect your phone.

Liquid ContactLiquid Contact
CoversStandard Benefit Mobile InsuranceMini Mobile Insurance*
Accidental Damage
Cracked ScreenOnce per year
Damage due to High Voltage
Liquid Contact
Theft *
Pert **
*In the event that the device is stolen from the closed environment (from your home, workplace or locked vehicle) as a result of the theft by force, the same brand and model equivalent device will be sent to you after collection of the exemption amount of 30% of the current value of the second hand.
**In the event that your mobile phone will become unusable as a result of damage, the same brand and model equivalent device will be sent to you after the repair is not possible by the authorized service, that is, if a full damage report is given for the device, after the exemption fee of 30% of the second-hand market value is collected.
***Mini Mobile Insurance will be found at the mine only for devices with a market value of up to 3.500 TL.
What is The Price of Mobile Phone Insurance?

Insurance cost varies by the brand, model and year information of your mobile phone. Moreover, you can easily pay this amount in 9 equal installments, without any delay interest. You can contact our agents to buy your mobile phone insurance. Please click to see our nearest agent to you.